Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whiter Teeth,Anyone?

Whiten at home-Change the solution every ten minutes instead of leaving it in for the full half hour. This is because the gel gets weaker over time. Switching solutions leads to better, quicker results.

Use a regular toothpaste-Whitening formula only removes surface stains by using more abrasive particles and may harm your teeth and gums. It does not actually bleach the teeth.

Cut down on green tea-Green tea stains teeth like coffee,tea and wine.If you find yourself reaching for any of these drinks, make sure you brush or at least rinse out your mouth with water afterward.

Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash- Alcohol tends to dry the mouth out. All major companies make alcohol-free mouthwashes; just make sure to read the bottles carefully, so that you know what you’re purchasing.

Chew sugar-free gum- Gums containing xylitol have been shown in studies to reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Eat some strawberries. Fruits that contain acids "burn" the teeth. Therefore, using acids such as those present in strawberries will make your teeth appear whiter. But consume in moderation: Extensive use will damage the enamel of the teeth and lead to costly dental repairs.

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